Following the tragic accidental death of her five-year-old son, Susan’s world collapsed. Her loss snapped the final tether of resilience burdened by a past of pain and trauma. She descended into an emotional abyss of darkness and despair, yet was not offered the resources needed to heal. Without support, she turned to drugs and alcohol, which led to nearly 20 years revolving through cycles of incarceration. Drawing on her personal experiences, she founded A New Way of Life Re-Entry Project (ANWOL) in 1998, dedicating her life to helping others break the cycle of incarceration.
This event is co-sponsored by UCLA Law School’s Critical Race Studies Program, UCLA Prison Law & Policy Program, UCLA Justice Work Group, and UCLA Underground Scholars Initiative.
RSVP at http://bit.ly/2BNH6Dn OR email crs@law.ucla.edu.