Housing Justice Activism & Protest: Past, Present, Future

Activist Graduate School
Housing Justice Activism and Protest:
Past, Present, and Future

New Graduate Course. Open Enrollment Starting Nov. 8!
Instructors: Ananya Roy, UCLA, &
Micah White, Founder, Activist Graduate School
Winter 2019 | Public Affairs Room 2355 | UP 297 | 2 Credits

  • Monday, January 7 | 5-8 p.m.
    Renter Power, Tenant Unions, and Rent Strikes
  • Monday, January 14 | 5-8 p.m.
    Predatory Financialization and Housing
  • Wednesday, January 23 | 5-8 p.m.
    Public Housing in a Global Context
  • Monday, January 28 | 5-8 p.m.
    Police and Property
  • Monday, February 4 | 5-8 p.m.
    The Land Question

This course is a collaboration between UCLA and Activist Graduate School, an online school that provides university caliber education targeted to the needs of social activists. The focus of this course will be Housing Justice, specifically the history of protest, theories of change, and strategies of advocacy and mobilization. Each session of the course will involve UCLA faculty as well as community-based scholars from the various housing movements here in Los Angeles. The entirety of the course will be filmed and then, in edited version, made available to activists and young professionals across the country.

Enrollment: This course is open to all graduate students at UCLA. Urban Planning graduate students can enroll directly in the course. Social Welfare and other graduate students should email the Institute on Inequality and Democracy (challengeineq@luskin.ucla.edu) to request a PTE for the course.

Micah White, Ph.D. is an author, public speaker and lifelong activist who co-created Occupy Wall Street. Micah’s first book, The End of Protest: A New Playbook for Revolution, was published in 2016 by Knopf Canada. His essays and interviews on the future of protest have been featured internationally in publications including The New York Times and The Guardian. Micah is a recipient of the 2017 Roddenberry Fellowship in recognition of his latest project, Activist Graduate School.

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