NEW! 2015 Hollywood Diversity Report



February 25, 2015 – The Bunche Center released its second annual Hollywood Diversity Report examining diversity and the bottom line in the entertainment industry.

To DOWNLOAD the “2015 Hollywood Diversity Report:  Flipping the Script,” CLICK HERE.


To read the UCLA Newsroom story, Click Here.  To read The Hollywood Reporter‘s exclusive story on the report, Click Here.

For background information about the Bunche Center’s Race and Hollywood Project, Click Here.  For previous posts about the Center’s Hollywood Advancement Project, Click Here.

To learn more about supporting this important research project and its annual diversity report, please contact Chia Yen, Executive Director of Development, UCLA Institute of American Cultures at or  310.206.6872.  To learn more about how to support the Bunche Center, you may also visit

2 replies
  1. B. Cosby
    B. Cosby says:

    When will Ivy League colleges make sure every group is proportionally represented as professors of Shakespeare? When will the NBA see to it that white males have numbers of players that match the percentage of whites in the population? And how about the NFL, where whites are far outnumbered? It’s egregious. Clearly egregious. Can’t we get every corner of society to be made up proportionally?

  2. Jennifer
    Jennifer says:

    This report (and others like it) keep me from feeling like I’m crazy, when the vision of society on my screen perpetually does not resemble the world around me.


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