External Opportunity: 1-Day Workshop-Demystifying Research at the Huntington Library

Demystifying Research at the Huntington Library

for Advanced Graduate Students in California and the West

The Huntington Library is pleased to announce a one-day workshop for PhD candidates (or those who will be ABD by 1 September 2014) in fields related to the history and culture of California and the West.  This program is designed to introduce new scholars to the vast holdings and resources at the Huntington Library and to demystify the publishing and fellowship application processes.  While the program centers on Huntington-specific resources, the skills addressed will prepare participants to conduct research in repositories around the globe.  This is a wonderful opportunity for students to work directly with Huntington staff and learn to navigate the library.

Date: Friday 28 March, 2014

Time: 9:30am-5:00pm (Coffee at 9:00am)

Location: Seaver 1 & 2, Huntington Library

Cost: Free (Lunch provided by the Huntington Library and Office of Research)

Space is limited to the first 25 students to sign up.  Register by Friday 28 February 2014.  To register, please email the following information to Jennifer Allan Goldman, Manuscripts Curator and Institutional Archivist, jgoldman@huntington.org.

•        Name

•        Home institution and department

•        Doctoral advisor

•        Phone number

•        Email address

•        Brief description of dissertation topic

•        Date advanced to candidacy (or expected)

Sessions Led By:

Anne Blecksmith, Reader Services Librarian Susan Green, Publications Director Steve Hindle, W.M. Keck Foundation Director of Research Laura Stalker, Avery Associate Director of the Library Jennifer Allan Goldman, Manuscripts Curator and Institutional Archivist.

Program Includes:

Finding and Using Rare Materials and Resources at the HEH Reading Room Etiquette How to order images and request permission to publish HEH sources General introduction to publishing your research Preparing fellowship applications Time for individual questions and conversations with HEH staff and participants.

*A Huntington Readers Card is not required to participate.  Participants will NOT receive a Readers Card.

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