Center Talk! Learn About Center Happenings Using Social Media

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Have you noticed something new on the Bunche Center website and posters?  It’s a Q R code, our effort to enhance your experience getting info about Bunche Center research and happenings.  The Q R coding you will now find on many of our emailings and printings will help you connect more easily to the Bunche Center online.  

For the techno-curious, a Q R code is a two-dimensional barcode (a more advanced version of the barcodes found on items you buy and have scanned at the check out in your local grocery store).  You may have already noticed Q R codes in magazine ads, on billboards, web pages, or even on a t-shirt!   

After downloading one of the many free Q R code readers onto your smartphone, you scan a Q R code with the reader and it will take you directly to details about Bunche Center activities, research, and events.  No need to type in web addresses or click on links – just scan the Q R code and go!

We’ve been growing our social media and web presence – have you followed us on Twitter?  Like us on Facebook?  Take a look at what we are doing.  We have a great deal of exciting and engaging new research going on! bunche q r code


You can Click Here, or SCAN this Q R Code 

You can follow us on Twitter @BuncheUCLA.  Or find us on Facebook at   or watch us on YouTube at  Share your interest in the Center with your social media contacts!


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