Race and Hollywood: Hollywood Diversity Brief Released at NAMIC


October 8, 2013 – This week, Bunche Center director Darnell Hunt, a UCLA professor of sociology, author of the new study, “Hollywood Diversity Brief: Spotlight on Cable Television,” released the report at the National Association for Multi-Ethnicity in Communications (NAMIC)’s conference in New York.  NAMIC is the premier organization that educates, advocates and empowers for multi-ethnic diversity in the communications industry.NAMIC Logo

According to the study, ethnic minorities and women remain underrepresented on both cable and broadcast television as performers, writers, and show creators.  The study is the first in a series of analyses which will be created as part of the Center’s Race and Hollywood/Hollywood Advancement Project.

Download the brief, by clicking Hollywood Diversity Brief-Spotlight-10-2013.  To read the UCLA press release, Click Here.

For background information on the Race and Hollywood Project, Click Here.


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