Liberated Africans in Atlantic History: Circum-Locations

apter derby

This event is presented by the UCLA History Department Atlantic History Cluster.  Bunche Center affiliated faculty Andrew Apter and Robin Derby assisted in organizing the event.  Professor Derby was recently awarded a Bunche Center IAC reserach grant.  To read more about her awarded project, Click Here.

Graduate students are encouraged to attend.  All-day parking ($12) and short-term parking (payable at pay stations) are available in Lots 2, 3 or 4 (enter the campus at Hilgard and Westholme avenues). UCLA is smoke-free and tobacco-free. The use of cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco and all other tobacco products, as well as electronic cigarettes, will be prohibited on UCLA’s campus and at sites owned or fully leased by the university. For more information, please visit:



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