Race and Hollywood: Fox Declines to Re-Shoot Racially Insensitive Scene in Seth MacFarlane Comedy


Fox declined a suggestion by the Media Action Network for Asian Americans’ that they re-shoot the Seth MacFarlane Dads pilot in order to remove the scene it finds most offensive.  In the scene, a character dresses up in sexy Asian schoolgirl costume and giggles demurely to please Chinese businessmen.

MacFarlane, creator of the controversial animated comedy on Fox, Family Guy, was criticized earlier this year for his envelope-pushing Oscar host performance which many found offensive for its references to homosexuality and drugs, as well as its racial/domestic violence jokes.

To read the full story about the Dads controversy, Click Here.  For background information on the Race and Hollywood Project, Click Here.

1 reply
  1. Josue O. Joseph
    Josue O. Joseph says:

    When the creator of “Ted” and “Family Guy” hosts the Academy Awards, you have to expect offensive jokes. Oscars host Seth MacFarlane’s worst jokes, however, were criticized for making light of domestic violence, a presidential assassination and actresses’ weight. “Rex Reed will be out here to review Adele’s performance of ‘Skyfall,'” he quipped, referring to the movie critic who called Melissa McCarthy a “fat hippo.” MacFarlane compared violence towards females in Quentin Tarantino’s “Django Unchained” to “a Chris Brown and Rihanna date movie” and joked the film’s use of the N-word was “based on Mel Gibson’s voicemails.” After the joke fell flat on a silent audience, he responded: “What, now you’re all on his side?” He also suggested Jennifer Aniston was a stripper, called the Kardashians “hairy,” and performed a song called ” We Saw Your Boobs ” about female nudity in films. » Read more at the Daily Mail .


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