Black Women in Film Series

Images of Blackness: Black Women Filmmakers and the Normalization of Inequality features filmmakers and scholars whose work explores the impact the absence of black women visual artists has on creative and social representation. The Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies at UCLA will curate this film and discussion series during Spring Quarter 2013 (May 15th) and will examine how continued marginalization of this group silences their stories in popular culture. The series will discuss how this absence reinforces prejudice and discrimination against black women in other areas of social and cultural production.  It will be organized as movie screenings / film clips followed by panel discussions about the films and current relevant research in the discipline. Throughout this series, the Bunche Center will examine the intersection between race, gender, and sexuality and focus on its role in determining acceptance, critical consideration, and commercial success in the entertainment industry.

Co-sponsors for the series are Vice Provost Christine Littleton, Diversity and Faculty Development; the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television and the Pan African Film Festival. All-day parking ($11) and short-term parking (payable at pay stations) are available in Lots 2, 3 or 4 (enter the campus at Hilgard and Westholme avenues).  If you would like to support the Bunche Center, its students and its programs, please visit Contact Dalena Hunter ( for more information about the film series. As of April 22, 2013, UCLA will go smoke-free and tobacco-free. The use of cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco and all other tobacco products, as well as electronic cigarettes, will be prohibited on UCLA’s campus and at sites owned or fully leased by the university. For more information, please visit:


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